John Mark & Sara Sheppard

John-Mark and Sara Sheppard have served in Liberia since 2013 with SIM. John-Mark is focused on translating the Bible into Manya, which had been an unwritten language and overseeing dozens of Manya literacy classes. Sara homeschools their three children (James, Noah & Audrey), facilitates adult trauma healing groups and cares for dozens of community children and teens with a daily meal, medical care, tutoring, and informal counseling.

Mark & Nancy Sheppard

John-Mark and Sara Sheppard have served in Liberia since 2013 with SIM. John-Mark is focused on translating the Bible into Manya, which had been an unwritten language and overseeing dozens of Manya literacy classes. Sara homeschools their three children (James, Noah & Audrey), facilitates adult trauma healing groups and cares for dozens of community children and teens with a daily meal, medical care, tutoring, and informal counseling.

Prayer Requests for John-Mark and Sara:

  • Pray for us as we sort through all the logistics of returning to Liberia

  • Pray for direction for restarting the literacy program and some of the other aspects of our ministry that have been on hold.

  • Praise God that a missionary family from Switzerland has moved to a city across the border to work with the Manya people, and other Christian organizations have expressed interest in beginning work in the Manya Communitities as well!

  • Pray that we’d be able to establish fruitful partnerships for the furtherance of the gospel among the Manya.