Welcome to GraceLink.

This is an exciting way for our attenders to connect with each other and our church!


  • Online community/directory for Grace attenders with pictures and contact info

  • A way for you to find others and others to find you

  • Track your giving, view giving statements

  • Set up automatic gifts/tithes

  • See group messages and events

  • Complete registrations


  • GraceLink is for Grace attenders only. Logins are given to attenders only. No one's info is ever sold or used by any outside organization.

  • View your giving statement anytime. Only you (and our Financial Secretary) can see your giving info. You cannot see anyone else's, nor can they see yours.

  • Children under the age of 12 cannot be seen by others, only your family or authorized personnel. So, please do not delete your child’s birthday. If you do, the system does not know the age and will make your child viewable to all.

  • Set your communication preferences.

  • You can email anyone with an email address, however you cannot see their email address. So no one can create an online marketing list based off our community.


  • Start by editing your profile. Click on “My Profile” in the upper right corner. Then click on “Edit Profile” on the right hand side.

  • Update your profile and your family members' profiles. Add pictures, email address, cell phone numbers, etc.

  • Mark any significant dates, edit your personal preferences (gifts, passions, skills, etc)

  • Check on your giving, set up your automatic giving.

  • Login again and keep your info updated.

To help you out, check out “Guide for New Users” or watch this video to help get you started.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call the office.
EMAIL // 763-496-5545