Major Lessons from the Minor Prophets Week 1. Guest Speaker, Marshall Smith teaching from the book of Nahum.
We are going to explore 2 weeks of the Minor Prophets. There are 12 short books at the end of the Old Testament from Prophets of Israel. These books from Prophets have been dubbed "the Minor Prophets" not because they are of less importance than the Major ones, but only because their books are much shorter than those from the other Old Testament writers.

THANK YOU so much for all your support. Giving is safe and super easy. Check it out: Online Giving 

   J O I N   A   G R O U P   
Small Groups will Kick Off in Sept
Small Groups are going to be a big part of the upcoming September series, B.L.E.S.S., we'd love to get you connected! They typically meet once a week in a home near Grace. It's a great way to connect with others, grow your faith, and be loved and encouraged. To learn more about groups and get signed up, stop by the table in the commons or visit the Adult Groups page on the website.

   W O M E N ' S   R O U N D   U P   
Mon, Aug 29 / Door 6 opens at 6:15 PM / N Worship Center
Hey ladies, it's time to reconnect at the Women's Round Up! Happening on Monday, August 29 at 6:30 PM. This is a night just for you to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. There will be lots of fun and lots of laughs. Talk to your friends and get signed up!

   F A L L   K I C K   O F F   
Sun, Sept 11 / Both Services
Mark your calendar for Fall Kick Off! This will be a big day with so many fun things planned for all ages. In the main service, we are starting the new B.L.E.S.S. series. For this series, everyone will get a devotional book and is invited to join a small group. For Youth, we are planning the annual Color Wars! For Kids, there is a Foam Party!
Start by praying for who you will invite and watch for more details!

   W O R S H I P   P A S T O R   S E A R C H   
Do you or someone you know have a passion to lead and shepherd people in worship? We have opened the position up and are now receiving applications. Check out the full job description on the website and fill out the application today!

   K I D S   N E W S   
Follow us on social media - To stay up to date with all things happening in Grace Kids, follow us on Instagram or Facebook. Insta: findgracekids  // FB: Grace Kids at Grace Fellowship

August Calendar - Check out the things happening in Grace Kids in August HERE

Surfs Up August Series - Grace Kids is learning about the life of Jonah in the month of August. Follow along with a family Bible reading plan that is found on the August calendar.

Move Up Sunday - August 28. The day that 5 year olds through 5th grade move to a new classroom!
Incoming Kinders will check in and be dropped off in the Kindergarten/1st grade room. (Room 137)
Incoming 6th graders will start by checking into Grace Kids at the 9 AM service, receive a gift, and then Pastor Jenn will walk them down to the N Worship Center to join the Middle School service with Pastor TJ. The middle schoolers ONLY meet at 9 AM.
Birth thru 4 year olds will Move Up to the next classroom on their birthdays.

Fall Kick Off - Foam Party! Sun, Sept 11 - Services at 9 & 10:45 AM and the foam party starts outside at Noon! Parents will pick up their kids and join us outside door 7 at the basketball court. Bring a swimsuit and towel and there will be popsicles! Can't wait to see you as we kick off the school year learning about Jesus as God the Son!
AWANA - Registration is open from Aug 28 - Sept 14. AWANA is a Wed night discipleship program that starts on Sept 21 and goes through the school year! We are excited and ready for you this year! Check out the website for details.

Volunteer Needs - We are looking for Sunday morning volunteers. Start here and apply if this is the right spot for you!

9 AM

  • 2 Adults for the Studio

  • 2 Adults for the 3's

10:45 AM

  • The Loft - We are looking for you to have some training in Special Needs Care

  • 2 Adults for the 4/5's

  • 2 Adults for the Kinder/1st Grade

   Y O U T H   N E W S   
Follow us on social media - To stay up to date with all things happening in Grace YTH, follow us on Instagram or Facebook. Insta: grace.yth // FB: graceythmn

Transforming Tomorrow August Series - This series is all about students leading students. Middle School meets at 9 AM and High School meets at 10:45 AM. 

Move Up Sunday - August 28. This is the day that we welcome the incoming 6th graders into YTH and welcome the incoming 9th graders into the High School service!
6th graders will start by checking into Grace Kids at the 9 AM service, will receive a gift, and then Pastor Jenn will walk them down to the N Worship Center to join the Middle School service.
9th graders will now start attending the 10:45 AM High School service!

Fall Kick Off - Color Wars! Sun, Sept 11 @ 10:45 AM. Grades 6-12 will come together for the best event to start the school year! Join us for a morning filled with Jesus and colored powder! WEAR WHITE so that the colors show on your clothes (it will stain). One new follower to our Instagram page will win a gift card!

Adult Volunteers - We are always looking to add to our amazing Grace YTH Dream Team! If you have a heart to love on the next generation between the grades of 6-12, start here and apply to be on the team.

   A D U L T S   
Groups - If you are new to groups, we would love to get you connected. For adults of all ages and stages in life. Email Pastor Monti with questions.

Women's Fall Kick Off - Yeehaw! Women's Roundup is on Mon, Aug 29 from 6:30-8 PM. This event will be a great opportunity to meet new friends, discover small groups and reconnect after the summer! We'll be creating a fun make-n-take that you won't want to miss. For women post high school age and up. Sign up today!

Stay up to date with everything happening in Grace Women, follow us on Facebook!

Saturday Men's Group - Meets every Saturday morning from 8-9:30 AM in room 264. Jump in anytime!

Worship Movement Class - Tuesdays / 6:30 - 7:30 PM / Gym @ Grace
Workout your body and faith. Join us for a different kind of workout! Faith based fitness classes taught by Sally Abel - Certified Revelation Wellness Instructor and ACE Certified. Join the Facebook page to sign up for a class. Email Sally with questions or to sign up.

Grace Recovery - Meets on Tuesdays @ 7 PM in the youth room - enter door 6
We are a faith based, solution focused 12-step group. Grace Recovery is open to all. Any addiction or hardship that you are recovering from.

Prayer & Worship Night - Join us every Monday night from 7-9 PM to seek and worship God. Enter door 3 to get to the Worship Center.


